
完整版本: 暑假遊玩伺服器抽鑰匙活動
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[圖片: rgSWDBU.jpg]

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暑假到了來一波活動吧! Cool
2020/8/31 將送 14 把 CSGO 遊戲箱子鑰匙給玩家 good
2020/07/15 - 2020/08/30
活動期間玩家只要在晚上六點到十點在伺服器 (除掛機服/滿十服)上遊玩 1 個小時的時間將被納入抽獎名單 
(AFK 時間不算. 玩家不得使用任何方法讓自己看起來不像 AFK. 違者則不得參與本次活動)
玩家可以使用 !checkin 指令查詢今天玩了多久

抽獎名單: https://www.blackmarke7.com/misc.php?page=raffle

[圖片: tnMwx6l.png]

加碼抽一把 StatTrak™ Sawed-Off | 荒野公主

[圖片: PAJdcPK.png]

感謝 Fresity 提供 Love


We are giving away 14 csgo keys and a StatTrak™ Sawed-Off | Wasteland Princess ... on 2020/8/31
to enter in the giveaway you just have to play on our servers other than idle server from 2020/07/15 to 2020/08/30 between 18:00 - 20:00 (Taiwan time) for one hour
AFK will not be counted as time played
use of scripts, etc. to fake as playing will not be allowed and will be banned from giveaway
one entry per person per day
use the !checkin command to check how long you've played today
to check the giveaway draw list visit https://www.blackmarke7.com/misc.php?page=raffle
[圖片: dKQbdTf.png]
好像都是機器人在參與抽獎 Thinking Thinking
(07-18-2020, 12:01 PM)zedgod520 寫: [ -> ][圖片: dKQbdTf.png]
好像都是機器人在參與抽獎 Thinking Thinking

不懂你的意思 Unamused